Aspire Visa
Ripoff Harrassment To the Extreme

Business & Finance

I have been having a hard time financially and have had this company hounding me constantly day and night. I cannot complain too much when they have called me in the past when I have been late with my payments except for the fact that they will call 5 or more times a day and NEVER leave a message. However, I have been able to turn my situation around and I am working very hard to pay this God-forsaken card off. I called on November 9th and made payment arrangements for November, December and January. To my surprise I found their number (I've seen it so much that I have it memorized) on my caller ID this morning when I got home from the grocery store. I called them and I was irate. I demanded to know why they were calling me when I have already made payment arrangements (for which I have 3 confirmation numbers that they gave to me) through January. They would never give me a straight answer as to why they called me. I am keeping detailed records now of everytime they call me. I am being harassed by this company when I am truly trying to take care of this account. I also informed the representative on the phone today that I am sending all of my information on this situation to the Attorney General's office as well as the State Corporation Commission in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is not the first time that I have had this issue with Aspire, but this is the first time I have all of my detailed records. One time I called them to make my payment and I specifically asked to please be sure that no one called me. I kid you not - someone called me not 10 minutes later. The representative assured me today that it wouldn't happen again and they were putting some kind of restriction on calling me. I told her that I've been promised that in the past so that she really had no credibility with me. No one should EVER consider getting one of these credit cards, nor should this company be allowed to operate in the manner that it does.

Company: Aspire Visa
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Phone: 8005731039
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Aspire Visa
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