To all of the AE's who were fired and mistreated by Mariano and Ameriquest ripoff

Business & Finance

I left this disgusting piece of trash company over a year ago and I knew that this whole thing would happen to you. Let's face it, you ALL knew that the doors to this hell hole would close one way or another. Turns out you are all just the first ones to go. I have no doubt that the entire company will be shut down within six months to a year. It seems that Mariano and Mary Jo and Roland Arnall are afraid of the repercussions of all of the fraud that has been committed and they are taking great strides to see to it that all of the old school Ameriquest people are sent packing, obviously trying to distance themselves from the whole deal. Definately too little too late.

The class action lawsuits are pending and piling up; word of mouth has spread like a disease and Ameriquest is now synonomous with the word FRAUD. I find it very difficult to have compassion for the AE's who were fired this past week seeing as how they chose to work for the devil and are now reaping what they have certainly sewn over the last few years by fleecing honest people and ruining lives. You will all have a special place reserved for you in hell next to Mariano and the rest of the filth.

It really doesn't suprise me that this happens after Mr. Demarin took over. He is after all the king parasite. Such a slick slimy individual. He would make the greasiest used car saleman seem sincere. I do hope that you end up in a federal prison surrounded by large tattooed men who like your soft manicured hands and think you have a pretty mouth. You deserve nothing less.

I worked in the 6 back when and I remember the police line up that you called your area managers. And I still hate you Peter Miano with a passion and I hope you spend eternity bound to an ant hill with a lollipop hanging out of your chubby little a*. You cretin scumbag. I have been waiting for the day the FBI comes and deals out the justice that the unfortunate victims of this awful company deserve and I can't wait to see you all wearing orange jump suits.

This 1500 man reduction is only the tip of the iceburg when it comes to the punishments that await all of you. The sh* storm has begun and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Company: Ameriquest
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
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