Blue Hippo Financing
Ripoff! Theives, rude, false advertisement, take advantage of people with less than perfect credit

Business & Finance

In January I signed on to Blue Hippo's program with an initial payment of 129.99. To be followed by bi-weekly paymants of 99.98. They sent me an information packet of things I needed to send them back. I sent all but 2 things.

I later tried to fax the 2 remaining items. (state id and voided check) Repeatedly I called and was told they did not receive them. I faxed 16 between these faxes, I would call and be put on terminal hold, caller id'd and put on immediate hold. I spoke to "managers and supervisors" who used fake names, spoken to rudely, had "fax the documents" repeated over and over in my ear and hung up on.

Yet and still, they make their withdrawal from my bank every 2 weeeks. Today I called after faxing this info to them for the 17th time yesterday. I was told my voided check was a pay stub. After clarifying that it was a voided check, I was told they do not accept that form of a voided check. (My account is a checkless account, so my bank sent a letterhead voided check).

I was then told I would not receive a shipping date for the product until they sent a qeustionnare to my bank for proof of account. I said the fact that you have withdrawn $750 since January is proof of my account. They said no then said I would not receive a refund and to read my contract, no refunds.

I told them if they haven't sent a product, they are in breech of their own contract, that they legally cannot take money for a product then not provide it. They pretty much told me they can and will. I then called my bank to stop payment and was advised that stopping payment would not work, several customers had and B.H. Goes back changes their name and the $ amount and continues to pull the money from your account.

All I can do is close accounts and re-open. Then B.H. Will report me to credit for non-payment. The bank said several complaints the same have come from CA and TX and a class-action suit is in progress. Where do I sign up. I can't afford to lose $750. Help!!!

Company: Blue Hippo Financing
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 7000 Security Blvd
Phone: 8007784018
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Blue Hippo
I have been trying to dicontinue my accout since FEB. Of with no results

Blue Hippo Capital
Ipoff, liars thiefes

Blue Hippo And Regional Bank
Blue Hippo is changing dates on checks and have put my daughters name on them

Ripoff Ripped me off in

Blue Hippo LLC
I ordered a Computer from Blue Hippo & gave them my checking account # they took the $124.00 out for my down payment, but then attempted to take it out 3-more times! They claim they did not take the first payment of $124.00

Blue Hippo
Watch Out

Blue Hippo
Blue Hippo promised me a computer, software and a printer and I paid $2,178.00 and to this day has never received anything. When I call I continually get the run around. Ripoff

Blue Hippo Capital
Blue Hippo Funding ripoff liars cheaters thieves rude

Blue Hippo
I was ripped off by blue hippo baltimore maryland

Blue Hippo Funding
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