Ripoff Ripped me off in

Internet & Web

One morning, while on my way to work and listening to WHUR Radio, I heard an ad that I thought was too good to be true!!! The ad said: 'Get a brand new computer with a FREE flat screen tv for $39.99 a month GAURENTEED!!! No credit check required'.

So... I, of course, jumped right on it!!!
I called BlueHippo, gave them all my checkings account information and though the sale person spoke quickly, I understood that I should be getting papers in the mail in 5 to 7 business days, explaining everything; all I needed to do was sign the papers, send them back and they would ship out my merchandise as soon as they get the papers back. They explained that they would be taking $124.00 from my account ($100.00 down payment and $24.00 for software that I'd ordered) on Sepetmber 15. But the money was actually taken out on September 11.
I signed up for this program on 08/30/06. Days went by, weeks even and I still had not received ANY paperwork, yet $124.00 was deducted from my account before the date scheduled. I had not received anything from BlueHippo; no letter, no phone call, no nothing.

So, I called them and explained the situation, that they were not suppose to start taking money from my account untill 9/15/06 not 9/11/26 and they promised to put the$124.00 back into my account. They said it took 7 to 10 business days. I explained to them that I had not received ANY paper work from them either and if they could fax it or send it via email that would be great. I was feeling a little skeptical by this time but I still wanted that computer and that flat screen. So, I waited on the fax and the email but to no avail. Blue Hippo had still not come through for me!!!

I call again. This time the form was sent through email which I printed out, but a lot of things on the form was left out of the phone conversation when I first signed up.
I was not happy.

I called my bank immediately to stop payment.

Today's date is 9/29/06. I have not received the $124.00 and in fact, they took out another $39.99 just today!!!
I called and asked again about the $124.00 and I was informed that I had not sent in a voided check yet.

No one said anything about a voided check!!!

This caused me to do my own research and I came across a page where dozens or more people have complained or filed a complaint against this company.

Link for complaints:

Http:// Q1=ALL&q2=&q3=&q4=&q5=Blue Hippo &q6=&q7=&SearchType=0&Entry=16&DateRange=6&hasPhoto=

When I asked a representative from BlueHippo why did so many people complained, he said because customers don't listen over the phone when they're explaining the procedure to them.

I was stunned.

Why are these people still in business?

Company: BlueHippo
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 1414 Key Highway Ste. 100
Phone: 8003836557
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Blue hippo Bluehippo
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Blue Hippo
Ripoff Baltimore maryland

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Consumer Report

Blue hippo Bluehippo
I called and orderd a lap top well then i was having issues with them i traded my lap top for a desk top which added up to what i had already paid well they told me they would ship it out up to 60 da

Blue Hippo
Ripp off, dishonest, scammers Online

No more

Blue Hippo
Blue Hippo ripped me off for $749.00. I was waiting on a computer from this company.internet