Amercas Servicing Company

Business & Finance

I too have been taken away by Americas servicing companys tactics. However I was not as lucky as order to keep my home i was forced to file bk13, even during this time period. Payments were lost or misplaced even mis-posted, causing me addition money in attorneys fees to get corrected. I just recently completed a 5year chapter 13, The whole time I was afraid to check the mail, in fear of what action they would try to take next. I so badly want to refinace but know this will be difficult because of the bankruptcy filing.

I am afraid to mail payment because they can take as long as 3 weeks to post. Today I was searching the web looking for a web page to make payments on, and discovered this web site. How can a company in this day and age of technology be allowed to be in business. When calling thier office you can be placed on hold for 45 plus minutes before someone will take your call or you will be instructed to call back at a later time. Thanks for taking the time read my response and hopefully this will guide others to do thier business else where.

Company: Amercas Servicing Company
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: 1 Home Campus
Phone: 8888282377
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