Premier Benefits

Business & Finance

This company keeps calling my aunts for the past 2 weeks. They reach my younger cousin which is only 16. They tell her that they have a $200 giveway in a shopping spree and some movie passes for only 3.95 to ship it. They ask for her bank account # and of course being only 16 she gave it to them. They call today which it is hard to understand them i tell them to quit calling we don't want your business its a scam and they start arguing with me. I told them she was not 18 and to cancel her oder they tell my they have her account # and it will carge her $600 to cancel i tell them off and ask to talk to someoner higher then them. I call the bank to report they activity and they can stop the 3.95 but can't on anything else since i didn't know the exact amount. The people there are very pushy and tell me they can take any amount out of her account they have the # and routing but it is a savings account. I asked them to the nember off the calling list and they hung up and kept calling all day.

Company: Premier Benefits
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: 1442 Lincolin Ave
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Premier Benefits, Call One Unlimited, Movie Passes, Anna Roberts #119
Premier Benefits, One Call Unlimited, Movie Passes, Anna Roberts ripoff, promised shopping spree, now scared of fraudulent charges

Premier Benefits
Ripoff Tried to take my money Ripoff

Premier Benefits - Premier Movie Pass - Premier Call One
Ripped off, conned, fraudulent billing, dishonest ripoff

Call One Benefits
Premier Benefits Premier Benefits is now Call One Benefits Ripoff

Premier Benefits
Premier Benifits ripoff scam that will ruined my credit

Premeir Benefits
Max At Premeir, ID A15 Premeir Benefits $200 Shopping Spree Scam Nationwide

Premier Benefits, Premier Movie Pass, Call One, Call One Communications And Buyers Union Ripoff Scam
Premier Benefits, Premier Movie Pass, Call One, Call One Communications And Buyers Union Scam ripoff

Premier Benefits
Harrassment, threats, rudeness, attempt at ripoff

Buyers Union, Premeire Benefits Of Home Depot, Premiere Movie Passes
And Talked To"the Only Higher Up Named Kirsten Windree ripoff, fradulent charges, dishonest, rude, insulting, lying, non english speaking

Buyer's Union - Premiere Benefits
Or whatever else they're calling themselves today is a horrible, deceitful company. Ripoff!