Premier Benefits
Premier Benifits ripoff scam that will ruined my credit

Education & Science

I got a phone call from a lady with a heavy accent from premier benefits who said I won a $200 shoping spree at Wal-mart. I thought great I could use that... And all I have to pay is $3.95 to have a couple things mailed to me Calling card, Movie Pass and a Restrant rebate card which will all be on a trail period calling card 7 days, 10 days for the movie pass and 30 days for the res. Rebate. She said you can cancel all of them when you recieve them and pay nothing but the $3.95 for shipping. I went ahead and gave her my checking account #... Big mistake.

After thinking about this for a couple days and seeing Nothing in the mail I called them and cancelled everything. I thought this was the end I could not have been more wrong. Two days later I checked my account to find that the same day I called to cancel everything They charged my account 3 Times... Two charges of $3.95 and one of $119.90 I'm now in the hole well over $200.00 now for this scam I have several overdraft fees from my bank because I had no clue that this $ was going to be taken out of my account. I'm disputing these charges with my bank now because the company was no help in resolving this matter. To make it that much worse I still have not received anything I was charged for. So much for Trail Periods. Don't do anything with this company!!!

Brighton, Michigan

Company: Premier Benefits
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange California
Address: 1442 E. Lincoln Ave. #361
Phone: 8003579145
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Premier Benefits - Premier Movie Pass - Premier Call One
Ripped off, conned, fraudulent billing, dishonest ripoff

Calnet Business Bank/Premier Movie Pass
Calnet Business Bank, Premier Movie Pass these companies ripped me off of 119.00 and 149.00. I have called often and am told to wait for 10 to 14 days for my refund. This has been ongoing since February. Ripoff

Call One Premier Movie Pass Buyers Union

Premier Benefits, Call One Unlimited, Movie Passes, Anna Roberts #119
Premier Benefits, One Call Unlimited, Movie Passes, Anna Roberts ripoff, promised shopping spree, now scared of fraudulent charges

Premier Benefits Group - Buyers Union
Call One Unlimited - Premier Movie Pass ripoff, Unauthorized charges from checking account, charged for products or services never received

Call One Premier Movie Pass Buyers Union
Took money out of my account without permission! Orange California

Premier Benefits

Premier Benefits, Movie Pass Buyers Union Program
Buyers Union, premier Benefits Movie Pass Buyers Union Program ripoff

Premier Benefits

Premeir Benefits
Premier Benefits - Call One - Premier Movie Pass - Buyers Union Ripoff fraudulant telemarketing scam