CCA First National Merchant Credit Card Advantage

Business & Finance

As a college student about to graduate, I felt it was time to start building some credit. I called this company and thought it would be a great way to build some credit. Little did I know, this company was a scam company. I called them on Saturday as charge of $199.00 was on my account and I had only called them earlier this week.

I called saturday, to no help. Waited and was put on hold for half an hour then disconnected. I tried again, was put on hold for about an hour and disconnected. I read the paperwork as they were not suppose to charge my account for a few more days! I called again this monday and the idiot on the line told me that it had been 7 days, when I KINDLY tried to explain to her that I called on Thursday to register and that I was charged on Saturday and it was now Monday.

Then I said I'm going to report this to the BBB and then she told me that our conversation was being recorded and I said GOOD, I really hope it is. Then she told me cause I "threatened" the company that she was going to submit my info to another department that could help me.

Why do banks let shady companies like this charge us? Are the banks involved in all of this? My bank was nice enough to let me file a unauthroized charge form with ease. I told them what happened and they had me sign the form. I'm now faced with getting another bank account cause I'm afraid these bastards will try to get in again.

CHANGE YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS! If you can. Or get another account with another bank.

Company: CCA First National Merchant Credit Card Advantage
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 46101
Phone: 8007604045
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