Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Business & Finance

I had the understanding that I would receive a Visa Card at 0% interest for one year with a credit limit of $5000.00, with a one time fee of $39.00. Shortly after sending in the money, I received a free 30 day free long distance trial, then after the 30 days they would apply it to my credit card. I became very upset because the customer service number they provided was alway busy until after closing hours (of course).

I finally received a package with a card and some books, when I opened this package I was sick. To find out that what I purchased was a MERCHANDISE credit card, so I made several attempts throughout the entire day to contact this company, and the number I called was busy until 5:00pm, then the phone rang and a recording come on stating they were closed.

Earlier in the day I called the bank and found out that this company withdrew from my account through an ACH. And, my check has not cleared with the bank. So, the bank refunded my account and they are going after this company for the money. I have placed a block on that check so they are not able to cash this as well.

The only thing they got from me is there package back into their laps where it belongs.

I pray this company folds quickly before someone else becomes another victom.

I am going to be out of money because of the stopped check, but they will not have the opportunity to see that money.


Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9590 NW 25th Street
Phone: 18008749164
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ripoff DON'T GIVE THEM YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER OR A CHECK fraudulent ripoff business

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Smell a FISH, ACT NOW to stop the ripp off from Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
NOT A Real Credit Card screwed others too

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit Scam sent money no card

Capital Choise Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit rip-off

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Choice Rip Off

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Tried to rip me off three times under differet names rip offs, prey on elderly and people with bad credit. They are blood suckers! Miami

Clear Choice Credit Solutions
Ripoff. He said we were approved for a $5000.00 visa credit. There would not be any annual fees, took $239.99 and $45.99

Capital Choice
Capital Choice "Stupid Assholes" Capital Choice dirty SOB's, evil dirt bags, rip off scam con artists, slime-ball scabs! Rotten m f'ers Florida

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Might be ripped off