A.G. Edwards & Sons
Receiving 401k after termination

Business & Finance

I was terminated over the phone for staying home with my child, I was fully vested in my 401k, I called and spoke to a lady on the phone on receiving my money, they sent me part of it, because I did have 2 loans out against it, then she told me I could get the rest Jan they are now telling me that I can not receive my money until Jan that is my money they should not have any rights in keeping it. I am still unemployed, and a mother of two going thru a divorce, I have bills that have been unpaid and need it.

Company: A.G. Edwards & Sons
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St. Louis
Address: One North Jefferson
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TransAmerica Retirement Services

Trident Group
Acess to my 401k with promises of helping me find new employment

Near Northwest Neighborhood Network, Eliud Medina Executive Director
Non Profit 401K fraud and government contract fraud, Housinng & Job Fair Fraud

Bank of America
Bad service

401k Exchange
401kExchange 401k Exchange 401kx.com 401kExchange 401k Exchange rated "F" - BBB accreditation revoked: http://www.bbb.org/south-east-florida/business-reviews/advertising-agencies/401k-exchange-in-west-palm-beach-f

401k Exchange
401kExchange, 401kX 401k Exchange / 401kExchange rated "F" - BBB accreditation revoked

Arizona Dept. Of Economic Security
Ripoff D.E.S. Had taken advantage of the situation, as well as my mother

Countrywide Home Loans
Poor customer service, giving us the run around, liars. Lets come together and stop them once and for all!

Gable Of West Park Village, West Chase
Ripoff Keeping our Deposit Stealing $1300

Gerald L. Ervin, D L Rodriguez Holdings
Gerald L. Ervin, D L ROdriguez Holdings, Deadbeat dad, owes over 23k in arrears, refuses to pay., ALberquerque, New Mexico