Progressive Insurance
Fraudulant ripoff fraudulant

Business & Finance

My insurance went up due to fraud - a man refused a police presence and medical treatment which resulted in no police report and speaking to a professional in insurance coverage. I WAS ALERTED THAT IF THERE IS NO POLICE REPORT, THERE IS NOTHING TO DOCUMENT FOR THE INSURANCE CO.!!! Someone with no insurance and or refuses a police report will be dismissed - if your in a accident and the other % refuses a police presence, please continue to call the police and make sure they arrive before the person leaves

To go on - this man was awarded a sum of money which raised out insurance rates - the accident occurred from a recall for a defective part and the insurance company refused to acknowledge the issue as well as ford and paid this man - the recall was confirmed by several ford service workers and still dismissed by progressive insurance - the names and times can and will be provided - an injury claim is still active - this man was fraudulently taking advantage of us and the system and we need to know what we can do to end this and stop frivolous lawsuits-

Please advise and thank you for your time-
recall # is 04s22 with ford auto - progressive insurance failed to acknowledge the recall, failed to acknowledge that this might of been a fraudulent claim, caused excessive worry with myself and my wife, and did not follow proper procedures, alerting us with such actions-
please advise

Company: Progressive Insurance
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Phila
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