CIC Credit Monitoring

Business & Finance

This company says that after they give you a copy of your credit report that you can just cancel and you will not pay a dime. What a crock. Two days after I signed up I sent them a email specifically saying that they stop the membership and I kept a record for myself.

About a month later I get a charge off my account for the 79.95 charge and the thing that pissed me off was that I did not have that much in my account at that time so i got a 30 dollar charge that my bank refused to take away and that CIC refused to pay. So now I had to pay a extra 30 bucks for no reason. The thing I learned is never ever give a company permission to continually take money out of your bank account.

Company: CIC Credit Monitoring
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Skokie
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