Centurion Financial

Business & Finance

This company took my money for a credit card with a limit of 2000

They didn't keep there word and took my money without giving me the card that they assured me. The card was suppose to be at my house in 25 business days. I would Like A refund.

Owings Mills, Maryland

Company: Centurion Financial
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlian
Address: 33 Elm St
Phone: 8667840260
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Centurion Financial
Ripoff Fraud Credit Card with one time fee of $249.00

Centurion Financial Benefits
Centurion Financial Took 249.00 out of my checking account after I was told I was apporved for a 2,000.00 credit limit credit card Never received a darn thing Also the so called company has all of my information

Centurion Financial Benefits

Centurion Financial

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Centurion Financial Benefits
Ripoff of money as a fee lost that Champlain