Ripped off by - how to

Business & Finance

HUD/FHA only has jurisdiction to assist FHA insured mortgagors. If your mortgage loan is insured by some other means please visit this web site address

Http://www.hud. Gov/offices/hsg/sfh/res/resrefer. Cfm

And contact the appropriate agency listed. Payment disputes are between you and your lender.

The lender must tell you which payments are missing.

Payment disputes must be in written form to your lender.

Request that your lender supply you with photocopies of the payment histories for the so called missing payments.

Once it is established which payments are missing.

You would then have to send in letter form to the lender, that you are submitting photocopies front and back of the missing payments.

The lender will review the photocopies which you submit and either will credit your mortgage account or explain why the payments were not credited.

The lenders response will determine what your next step should be in correcting the situation if the payments are still not credited.

Once you have completed the above and there still is no resolution to your situation, and if your mortgage loan is FHA insured, please send us a written mailed request letter to look into why your payments were not credited.

Please submit a photocopy of your original payment dispute letter to your lender along with a photocopy of their response (s), if any. Our mailing address is HUD/FHA, 500 W Main, Suite 400, Oklahoma City, OK., 73102.

Company: Ocwen
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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