Elite Solutions
Ripoff isn't the word low down scum is more like it

Business & Finance

Yes i was ripped off as well, they call me in september, and i called them back and cancelled and i asked the guy if i needed a confermation number and he said know that it would be cancelled no problem and the sob's went ahead and took the money out anyway on november 5th and it over drew my account and my car payment was not made due to them doing this, they should be hung, they have caused me so many problems it is awful, i have seizures and due to the stress that this has put me under i had a seizure, i have bill collectors now wanting there money, { which i don't have } so what do i do, i, this has never happen to me before and beleive me it never will again, this is terrible, that a person has to go through this, my husband is outraged, i cannot drive do to my seizures, can someone please tell me what do i do, i called my bank and filled out papers to see what it was all about and i called then several times and left messages, and i also called the bank netchex and they told me if i cannot get no response in 48 hours to call them and they would refund my money, has anyone ever gotten there money back, who ever can help me please do, email me at deanes@earthlink.net i need answers please help, please do not ever fall for these candy wipes, and your right the guy i talked to sounded like he was on drugs or he had just got up

Company: Elite Solutions
Country: USA
State: New York
Address: 100 A WALNUT STREET SUITE 188
Phone: 8003466239
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L.A. Fitness
After putting my account on freez, they pulled $504.00 at one time Ripoff Nationwide

Purbred Breeders
I purchased a puppy and it has had seizures from the day after we got him

Credit Education Group
Ripoff "cancelled" it as we were talking they took the money out of my account anyway

Earthlink Internet Lied about Their Prices

Elite Solutions
Cowardly Thiefs! Ripoff - fraud, fraud and more fraud. Pay $299 for NOTHING!

First National Credit
Ripoff Even after I cancelled my transaction they ripped me off!

Prison Call Solutions
Consumer Report

Rite Aid
Terrible company

Premier Benefit
Ripoff! Pushy!

EarthLink - EarthLink Consumer Services
Ripoff opened account without authorization on account cancelled 21 months prior with different company