Sallie Mae
Nightmare - Bad Bookkeeping, Age and Veteran Status Discrimination - Student Loans

Business & Finance

After completing a Masters program in I have been making all the required payments on time. My latest statement shows I still owe more than the ori8ginal principal and the online statements have never agreed wiuth mailed paper statements. To top it off I have been diagnosed with bone cancer due to exposure to Agent Orange. I don't even want to start dealing with Sallie Mae, all I want to do is sue. Does anyone know a good lawyer who can help me sue the b@$t@rd$. If you do, please send the information to Thanks!

Company: Sallie Mae
Country: USA
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Sallie Mae
Sallie Mae helping

Sallie Mae Financial
Student loans

Sallie Mae

A total & complete ripoff! What happened to truthfullness & honesty?

Sallie Mae Student Loans
Principal/Interest Scam

Sallie Mae
Sallie Mae - will give you a loan and then screw you over!

Sallie Mae
Sallie Mae LIES

Sallie Mae Aka SLM Financial
Ripped off and scamed me and others on student loans dishonest, fraudulent, money hungery pigs RIPOFF

Sallie Mae
Sallie Mae "loses" my payments after they already remove the money from my bank! - Student Loan

SLM Corp. Sallie Mae
Fraudulent billing on Sallie Mae student loans Ripoff