Jane Salon
Yelp comments can be manipulated by this owne

Beauty & Appearance

I went for that very first time to Mom (the dog owner) at Linda Salon. I had been really disappointed using the shows (it appeared as if a wig). I named and quit a note declaring I had been disappointed and also to please contact me. I never received a callback. I'd pre-reserved a scheduled appointment and determined I'd proceed and keep in touch with her then. Maybe she'd upgrade it and never cost me on her services. She never turned up for that visit. I quit a note and mentioned I had been not so pleased and that I waited beyond her look for around 30 minutes. She did contact me back and recommended in my experience this 1 of another women informed her I had been unhappy and he or she decided I'd not display. She did deliver me an email beforehand declaring she'd see me quickly. I "Yelped" these details under her evaluations (the "Yelp" remarks made me take to her out at first). Nowadays I visited examine my remarks again (these were there yesterday) plus they were eliminated. What great is "Yelp" if this operator may weed-out the unfavorable comments and abandon just the good remarks?

Company: Jane Salon
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Site: janesalon.com
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Dishonest, bogus, greedy and biased company. Pay em, get good reviews

Reviews Filter Is a Gross Violation of Freedom of Speech!

Jeremy Stoppleman - Nish Nadaraja - Stephanie Ichinose Yelp allows false and libelous business reviews to remain on website, and then solicits payment to remove them

This companies reviews are a scam internet


US Cellular
This company is attempting to collect 922.95

YELP Yelp is a ripoff company that destroys restaurants and lives by promoting fraudelent reviews


Ripoff ripoff business from hell New York

Albany Steel Inc
Metal supply rip-off