Sensa Products LLC
Poor Billing Practices

Beauty & Appearance

Watch out for their bad payment methods. I acquired the one month trial. Had not a problem spending money on the merchandise that I obtained. The merchandise did nothing for me personally, and so I terminated, not a problem there. Nevertheless, my creditcardnumber had terminated before they required the ultimate cost they were due. They didn't attempt to consider the cost until weeks once they were suppose to consider the cost or my creditcardnumber might nevertheless have already been great. They never informed me to provide me an opportunity to provide my new creditcardnumber. Alternatively they switched it to a group company.

Company: Sensa Products LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
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False Advertising

American Eagle
Poor service

Un-authorized charge

Twenty4 Pro Plus
Unauthorized Withdrawl

Thane Usa
Overcharged by $200 and refuse refund!

Academy Bank

Fraud, scam, unethical marketing

Free Trial not Free

CHRpay. comeurosoft
Unauthorized charge

Prevention Magazine
Don't use a credit card for their magazine!