
Beauty & Appearance

Notice to jorge gonzalez, supervisor of bidz...

Thanks for that response, but there's no method that I'm likely to spend $264 for a product previously sold at $132,

Should you were in my own placement, im particular you also would not spend double the quantity of a prior bet,

If this band may be worth $249 like I had been educated by Brigitte, then there might have been a reserve bid of $249

Its okay I simply wont be buying from bidz no further, the sales person explained the band was never on bidz before

And also you state that it had been Bet before but never bouught, is still a rest, for this was on ypour website and sold before

My dad operates a company of course if he makes an error he prizes the cost that's an honest organization,

In either case you still get your $132, from me or previosu bidder, greed is what provides America down

You piss off 1 client and by-word of mouth he informs all his her pals and also you have pissed-off

Possibly 100 clients, and that I guarantee you that I'll tell-all my buddies how bidz WOn't do Great company

And lied concerning the unique band after which WOn't market for previous bet on the band which bidz stated was

Never on bidz before. I'd belief in bidz but i notice today I'm dissatisfied

I bought 3 pirelli watches as presents, and hands down the watches had a "produced in china" label, informing me

They were knock-offs, inexpensive copies, i purchased a girls pirelli from ebay, also it was genuine

The stamps were various, alos I've had products taken from my shopping cart software so when i named in

I had been informed it had been a PC error, duplicates on bidz, was a 80 carat blossom band, in shopping cart software

Money purchase already received for that Product and also the product was taken, stated not there is a duplictae,

Clarify the way the product wwas eliminated when it had been within the container for 14 days as well as taken care of,

You are able to contact Brynda J 210-649-xxxx, she is still referring to this ring to the very evening

Likewise was a dark gold cz band, same scenario was within the shopping cart and mysteriouly vanished

Likewise Brynda J claims that there is a cz necklace also within the shopping cart software, and gone absent,

Jorge how will you clarify 3 products, missing or stolen form a Shopping cart software, sales person perhaps place it in

His moms shopping cart or closest friend, on top of the several gold-plated bands that ruined after 3 weeks

Enables see today 3 phony pirelli watches "produced in china", 2 bands and necklace taken from shapping cart

And gold-plated bands that tarnish in 3 months, Jorge you are able to contact Brynda T the amount is

210-649-xxxx to confirm all of this, my pirelli view had the produced in china label still on, her 2 watches

The produced in china stickers were eliminated.

In good faith Mr. Gonzalez you need to make amends to Ms. T and permit this band to become

Offered in the last cost of $132, thinking about the frustration and frustation it has triggered her

And myself using the "produced in china" pirelli view. Your thought within this issue could be

Most valued...

Bidz hasn't responded back again to this notice, to jorge gonzalez, control

Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
  <     >  

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