Acai products
Unauthorized chagres

Beauty & Appearance

I requested their product and terminated when i didn't like. It was done immediately. Onthe 14thday they charge my account $149.95. So when i named they said i never cancelled it. I've sent a problem for them and hope it works. I can't be out this cash.

Company: Acai products
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
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Acai Berry
Charged for other products

Acai Burn
2 linked payments not cancelled when acai burn acc cancelled

Acai Pure free trial offe

Unable to return products

Acai Performance Products
ACAI BERRY FREE TRIAL RIP OFF - Acai Berry - Free Sample

Natures ACAI Berry
Unauthorized Credit Card Charge

Acai Berry
Acai, Acai cleanses your credit cards

Buy Acai Burn
Acai Burn Actually Works!

Acai Berry Detox
Took money out of my account after i had cancelled my trial period

Acai Berry Pure / Advanced Cleanse
Scammers using terms and conditions to rip people off!