Christopher -brumlow
Ip off, dishonest

Animals & Birds

Look out for this person, He's a jagged person! He bought your dog from for $800.00 usd

Afterwards that week he returned and stated the dog was sick and desired $4000 usd, this

Is poor, florida lemon law claims he should return the dog and obtain complete reimbursement, he declined to

Return the dog but still desired to extort the breeder for $4000 usd! I'd suggest

That any body must do any type of company with this particular guy!

Company: Christopher -brumlow
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Pedro
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Christopher brumlow
Christopher brumlow

Poor return policy

Real Solutions Labs - Acai Berry
Unauthorized charge/shipment/no refund
Horrible to cancel!

Rite Aid
Horrible customer service

Shipping and returns

Cookies by Design
No reimbursement for item never acquired!

Autograph central
Had autographs I bought checked and there fake!

Deceptive return policy!

Steve Harvey's Work at Home Kit
They keep asking for money!