Customer service

Animals & Birds

I've been using petsmart for almost 4 years and have been pleased with the service i've paid for. I have three long haired dogs and every summer and fall they get the "full package", a cut, bath, brushing, nails, anal expression, etc. I took them in 3 weeks ago and upon returning home one of the dogs shed worse than before the cut. Even with my brushing, she still is shedding. I was told that i could bring her in and for another fee have her fur "dethinned" of winter hair. Now, the other two dogs have the second layer of hair also, but theirs had been combed out and i have experienced no shedding from them. Additionally, pet smart didn't cut the long hair on the tails of two of them as directed and written down in their own journal. After phoning corporate and being called by the local pet smart manager, i was told i would not be helped with the shedding unless i wanted to pay for it. They did relent in trimming the tails as per original directions. I am extremely disgusted with their customer service. After spending almost two thousand dollars at their store, they didn't think my patronage was worth "re-combing" a 40 pound dog. Their demeanor in dealing with me was brusque, condescending and (with store personnel) rude. I am going to be finding a new groomer first thing on monday. After working and teaching customer service in the airline industry since 1982 (back when the airlines cared about their passengers) i was appalled at the lack of concern for customer complaints and the resolution of them. I surely will be discouraging any friends and acquaintances who are thinking about using petsmart.

Company: Petsmart
Country: USA
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Awful company

I was charged $40 for poor service

Pet Smart Grooming
Horrible customer service


Petsmart Groomer
Petsmart Groomer are Confused! - G rooming services

Grooming - Dog Grooming

Ripped off my professionalism, integrity