Nike Inc
Dog Tore Up Nikes in Protest of Vick Endorsement! - Vick endorsement contract


I went to replace my very old Nike flip flops that my dog chewed up - but I just could not bring myself to buy anything by Nike and I won't again. Ironic how my dog chewed up the Nike shoes and left the others... Well, I have a few more t-shirts and jogging pants that I will let her tear up! I'd rather let her shred them then ever, ever wear your logo again.

Tiger Woods was one thing - this guy Vick is a murderer/torturer of voiceless victims - man's best friend.

There is a Native American saying, "Dogs left the Kingdom of Heaven to walk with man" PLEASE RESPECT THEIR LIVES!!

Company: Nike Inc
Country: USA
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Nike Inc
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Nike Inc
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