Nike Inc
Vick a Role Model?


I am writing to express my total loss of faith in the NFL and Nike. A convicted felon to play professional football, advertise shoes and potentially be a role model to the youth of our light of the stated treatment of animals under Mr. Vick's care or supervision I find this signing to be both distasteful and poorly thought out by the Eagles organization the NFL and the NIKE Corporation. Are we really telling the youth of our community that convicted felons are eligible to be sports stars, advertisers and role models? We can't set the bar a little higher? Demand a little more from these public figures? The right to play professional football should require at least a non-convicted felon status. I believe this is the least we owe to our children. While Mr. Vick's debt to society may have been paid from a legal stand point, the moral and ethical side should continue to follow him as it does every other convicted felon. I admire Mr. Dungy's help and support of Mr. Vick but I think the goal should have been to get Mr. Vick back into being a productive member of society with a job that doesn't come with press, stardom and potential role model status. His right to have that type of career should have been forsaken when he was convicted. If we do not hold our public figures to a higher standard we can not expect society as a whole to be any different. I see a double standard being set because Mr. Vick has the ability to play football professionally. IF his name was Jamal and he lived in South Philly and had just been released from prison he wouldn’t even be able to get a job at Home Depot. Yet the Eagles organization, the NFL and NIKE will put Mr. Vick on a national stage and give him a spot light to stand in. I am sad to say that my support of my hometown team, the NFL and NIKE will end today, and my view and support of those organizations has suffered irreparable damage. Any organization the provides role model status to a person that has physically held a dog underwater until it has drowned does not and will not receive my consumer dollars. I hope this signing is really the message the Eagles organization the NFL and NIKE wants to send out. For me it is the end of a lifetime of support.

Truly Disappointed,
Rick D.
Ephrata PA

Company: Nike Inc
Country: USA
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