Aqua Globe
Filling Globes - Water Globe Fille


I hated the globes because they were hard to fill with water and the tip got clogged with dirt. I love them now after I invented a way to both unclog them and fill them at the same time in under 10 seconds. I'll order more globes. I just got notice today from the US Patent Office that my application has been approved. The filler tool would cost a customer about $3.00 but I'm not sure how to market them—direct to Aqua Globe or direct to customers. I would send one free to the first 3 takers just to get pro/con feedback on them. My email address is if you are interested.
Thanks, Chuck Imken

Company: Aqua Globe
Country: USA
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Aqua Globe
Filling Water Globes - Aqua Globes

Aqua Globe
Works fine for me - Aqua Globe

Aqua Globe
I Love Aqua Globe! - Aqua Globe

Aqua Globe
Always plugged - Aqua Globes

Aqua Globe
Great product! - Aqua Globes

Aqua Globe
Aqua globes - Aqua Globes

Aqua Globe
Ead please!

Aqua Globe
Got 3 from Dad-in-laq - Aqua Globe

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Fantatic - Aqua Globes

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Aqua Globes