Complete Savings
Using debit card unauthorized


I had been creating an appt. For AARP medicare since I received a card. After I named to create appt. A men connected me for this total savings, that we never heard about. I hung-up since I didn't need something. I tested my lender online and notice they'd utilized my bank card and taken $12.00, but I don't understand where they got my card number since I have spoke to no body. I did so email them-and intend to call-in the day. Just how can businesses do that with no agreement from card-holder? Is not this illegitimate?

Company: Complete Savings
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
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Complete savings/shoppers dicount
Complete savings - scam, unauthorized use of my debit card

Complete Savings
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Complete Savings - Connecticut
Total Savings - Ct

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Complete Savings
Unauthorized credit card charges