Aqua Globes
Kick back! - agua globe


Aqua Globe is associating with a company called Great Fun... Beware. They will send you a check for $8.25. Do not cash it, Read fine print on back. They have your credit card number on file and will give it to Great Fun, who, in turn will sign you up for a membership. $ 149.99 Hard to cancel, A scam if I ever saw one. Not good business practice. Pass it on, when The name Aqua Globe comes up... Think Rip Off!!!

Company: Aqua Globes
Country: USA
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Aqua Globe
Ead please!

Aqua Globe
Always plugged - Aqua Globes

Aqua Globe
I Love Aqua Globe! - Aqua Globe

Aqua Globe
What a great product

Aqua Globe
Aqua globes - Aqua Globes

Aqua Globe
Packed broken! - Aqua Globes

Aqua Globe
So Far So Good - Aqua Globe

Aqua Globe
Devasted - Aqua Glo

Aqua Globe
Killed my plant!

Aqua Globe
Aqua Globes don't work