Disney Channel
Ever Since You changed - DISNEY CHANNEL

TV & Radio

Dear Disney Channel,
I'm not sure if you will read this or not but it would be smart to. Especially since possibly you have lost most of your viewers because of trying to accommodate to the 6th grade level drama (perspective) in shows and movies.

The shows today many have noticed aren't as realistic as the 90s, when people could relate to them. The movies and shows used to remind me of ABC Family (Fox Family) remember that you want your shows to be relate able because that's one of the best parts... Knowing your not alone on a problem and other people go through the same thing.

Now a days you seem to unknowingly make it okay and brain wash kids into thinking bullying is okay by the littlest things like by overreacting about a kid having bad allergies or is always sick and sneezing everywhere while the main characters that are known to be good in the show isolate or make fun of them with little remarks.

Also your shows used to allow kissing and saying words like "screw" like in the 90s movie "Wish Upon A Star". What's wrong with being original, honest, and relate-able but still having morals in the show? Have you noticed that 90s celebrities from your channel have made it quite big like Jessica Alba who played in your movie "PUNKS"?

I don't see that happening with the celebrities you have now. Be original and honest and relate-able, it's what made you successful. It was what you used to represent.
- A Billion Families (written by a 16 year old who used to love your channel)

Company: Disney Channel
Country: USA
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