Disney Channel
Example: Sears broken washiLOOK! Parents! Read! Disney Channel Phineas and Ferb PARENTS PLEASE READ! Ng machine - Disney XD Phineas and Fe

TV & Radio

I WAS a fan of Phineas and Ferb... Untill tonight! I COULD NOT believe my ears or eyes when I heard that (spellcheck?) Doofinsmerch talk about breasts on the episode about throwing a party and calling a guy who looks like a pimp with two escorts that show up to the door for an hourly fee... My bf wasn't watching but he heard the word breasts and he wasn't even engaged in the show for that to pop out... At the same time we both said, "WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!"we are pretty laid back parents but even so~we were shocked and appalled. I thought these were kids cartoons? I'd feel like a bad parent to continue to let my children watch this show any longer unless that type ofcontent is corrected. I thought this was a show I could laugh with my kids together but now the writers are sacrificing humor and adding sexual content... On a childrens show. If teenagers and adults want to watch shows with sexual content their options are unlimited... But what about the kids that have outgrown Sesame Street... What do they get?

Company: Disney Channel
Country: USA
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