Disney Channel
New shows - bring old school back!

TV & Radio

I am 10 and i hate every show out on disney channel the all suck. Obviously you dont understand how much viewers youve lost since all the old shows came off the air i am one of them. You probably wont listen to me or believe me about anything but i have a Television idea that can help boost your viewers by the second. Im sorry if i am boaring you but please read on. I think everyone can agree than nickelodeon is better than disney NOW but it wasnt always like that nick got better when disney got worse. Heres my idea: nickelodeon has 90's nick right. Do the same thing as them but not 90's early 2000's. After all that is when the best shows were on. Start it after the disney channel movie and watch as your viewer chart gets bigger and bigger. Thank you for reading. P. S i also have some show ideas i woud like to share to. My home phone is 1718-946-7179. Sincerely-Anthony Short

Company: Disney Channel
Country: USA
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