Disney Channel
Not my disney-and i am only 11

TV & Radio

Disney, you are stupid. Walt Disney the person would have total disrespect for this channel. Walt Disney was a wonderful person who wanted ids like me to be happy and safe, not in 4th grade and already worrying that they don't look right or they have to be racist to get attention or to already be thinking it's ok to be rude to your mother. THIS IS WRONG! Name disney after someone as disrespectful as the channel, not someone the COMPLETE OPPISATE! I adored kim possible! Then, I turn 9 and i get what? Hannah Montana making out with random people on EVERY EPISODE! I turn 10, and what do i get? So Random making fun of the legend Harry Potter is! You evil directors are worse than Rita Skeeter! I hate disney, and every kid in my neighbor hood agrees and we havent watched for years! We have 409 people in our neighborhood, and all 409 don't watch.

Company: Disney Channel
Country: USA
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