Rebate Scam

TV & Radio

Requested cable television through Offerwire in May after which started the headache of distributing and resubmitting refund forms for $150 & $40 Credit giftcards. Offerwire had spoken explained in March that my resubmission was legitimate and that I must be prepared to get the Credit cards in 4-6 months. While nothing arrived, I named Offerwire again, plus they stated the purchase was unacceptable for that 4th period! Today they're declaring that I had been a previous client which their present was just advantageous to new clients. I am sure it has been more than 10 years because I'd wire and at virtually no time was I advised this could avoid the refund. I actually donot understand why Constitution actually works together with this type of disgraceful organization of course if we'd the choice of changing to a different wire company we'd. Since I haveam not under agreement, I've half of a brain to fall our providers. We invest $150 per month for Constitution, therefore wouldn't it have murdered them to let's possess a 30 days refund. Both businesses ought to be researched for scam by attempting to attract people in with discounts they'll never recognize.

Company: Offerwire/charter
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
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Charter Communications
Integrating with Offerwire Scam

Offerwire Zyxel NBG 416N Wireless Router
Lied about Invalid Rebate

Denied Rebate

Rip off

OfferWire / Bridgevine
Offerwire fraud - affiliate of Charter Communications

Offerwire No refund even on timely submission

Offerwire / Bridgevine / Cable

No rebate given
Offerwire: Not giving rebate

Refusing to give rebate