Your Remix
Scam artists

TV & Radio

Bought some remix drops from company of online paid via paypal and didn't receive total that I was suppose to receive. I added the comments that a CD to have my name on the drops to be sent and all they did was say that my email address was fake (yeah right) I even received emails back just recently that I was filing a complaint here and with paypal to get money back. Since I cant then looks like all I can do is let others know that unless you don't want to get services (dj drops) done by this company then its the luck of the draw if you ever get them in the first place.

Never again will I do business with people that rip you off like these guys!!!

Company: Your Remix
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
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Your Remix doesnt send on whats already been paid for - so they ripp you off Your Remix Did not deliver products or respond to emails Your Remix - Your Remix Purchased tracks and the never gave me the download links, even after complaining they laugh about me

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