SMC Corp
Scam advertisement!

TV & Radio

SMC claims there support will help you set up your company, however they do not, know how and will not go into local and state laws andor what permits you may need state to state, there support consists of selling you stuff to make you believe you on your way to making big money. They set you up with a internet store, Now I have a internet store for people to come to they are very expensive, I got just the plain jane store and it will cost me between 400 and 1600 dollar to upgrade. They place you on google and yahoo search. But when I looked it was like on 3 rd page.

In oct I joined Smc corp, knowing I would be moving in Nov, but the rep for SMC said she would update info and start when i got moved in. I lost 2 weeks of support because this was not done. I called SMC in late Nov because I hadn't heard anything, I was told that my account was not updated. So they set me up with a coach remember 12 weeks of free coaching, lol.

This means u must make appointments with them, in doing this there had been several calls never returned, and at 1 point my support person was on vacation and never let anyone know or made a attempt to have someone else fill in, and I lost 2 weeks asking her she replied I deserve my 2 weeks vacation, My reply was I deserve my support also and not to get left in dark. Oh I am sorry she said no wonder I can't find you, your account was moved to a different agent.

I asked how this happened? I am not in my 6 weeks, she said yes your support started in Oct. When you signed. So beware, 12 weeks of support is not 12 weeks on daily training, you may wait until the coach besides they have time to contact you.

Now 27 days left - I was called by Natalie from smc and was told to contact her that I had 27 days left on my account, I tried to call her 4 times left messages all 4 times and she never bothered to call back. Follow through. — Several times I have emailed, called for support, and never got a reply. I had 2 times out of 12 weeks contacted my support person, 1 is to pay in full, and the other is mentioned above.

The ads claim to make you rich and the person who does this has been a household name for years and this is a shame they put there name on something like this, and rip people off.

Company: SMC Corp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Simi Valley
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Smc Corp
Again smc corp lack of support, misleading, failed on custmor support, and just down right lied when setting up account

Incompetent! Refund requested. 10 weeks and numerous emails - still no refund!

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Direct TV
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Scam Company

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