Disney Channel
The Cancelation of Shake It Up and Good Luck Charlie

TV & Radio

I honestly dislike that Shake It Up is ending, seriously that is stupid. I love Shake It Up, and if your seriously going to end it then I am not watching Disney Channel again. First you take Wizards of Waverly Place away, and now Shake It Up! Don't stop Shake It Up, I love It! I also heard rumors of Good Luck Charlie ending, and that also better not happen. If it does then, your ratings are going to go down the toilet without these two shows. These two shows are the best, and they are getting good ratings, so why? The smart thing to do is to get rid of the shows with bad ratings not good ratings. Anyway, please just put these two shows back on Disney Channel, help the kids get what they want. I know, just my opinions not going to matter, but look at peoples Twitter account. There's an outrage, this is outrageous. Overall, just put these shows back on the air. If you do thank you very much, and if you don't then I am not watching Disney Channel anymore, and a bunch of people would agree! Put the shows back on please!

Company: Disney Channel
Country: USA
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