Ramada Plaza Resorts
Vacation Package Scam! Ripoff

Traveling & Tourism

I received an credit voucher for a vacation package ($1600) and had to respond within 72 hours. I called only because I wanted to see if it was the same company that I purchased a vacation in the amount of $698 in the year 2001 (and I never took the vacation cause it had a one-year limit).

I wanted to see if I could possibly take it now since they had my money and I couldn't take it. Upon calling the number I was switched around about 5 times and had to retell my story 5 times to each party that answered. Finally after I insisted that they give me a vacation within the $698 range I've already paid and not more, they connected with a manager (male) with the department that handles expired vacations. I made the mistake of not getting his name!

But, anyhow since my vacation was expired, he wanted an additional $400 to take the vacation plus it's based on double occupancy so that would have been a total of a little under $1000 to pay for an extended vacation period, that I would have to pay to receive a package, again!!!

When I again repeated that all I want is a simple vacation that is within the $698 I've already paid, he became irrate and told me that I received the package info and agreed to the terms and conditions. When I asked if he had the terms and conditions that I signed (which I didn't) he stated that they have it "recorded" phone call (which was very high pressure — they will not send you the package info without your charging the package to your credit card!)

I KNOW, YOU'RE SAYING I WAS STUPID TO THEN AGREE! But, nontheless, should they be allowed to give this high pressure pitch and you're only given 1-year to take it or basically you loose it!!! Cause once it expires you're having to pay an additional charge which is 1/2 the cost of the original package for yourself and the same for another occupant! What can we do! I'm just a single, hard working woman who wanted a vacation... HARD LESSON LEARNED!

I'm not going to let this go. I'm going to report to Better Business Bureau and see if our local Action Reporter will take the deal maybe even "60 Minutes" would love to expose this SCAM! This is awful, to take advantage of people. I wonder how many senior citizens have been taken by this. There goes their retirement! WOW!

Covington, Louisiana

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Fauderdale
Address: 2419 E. Commercial Blvd
Phone: 8006358523
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