Geo Holidays
Starpoint Resorts Group, Inc Non-recognition of rescension

Traveling & Tourism

Firm: Starpoint Resort Group, Inc.

Below is a chronological view of the business environment and the facts of this complaint:

I visited Grand View in Las Vegas

Purchased Time Share agreement with Grandview
(El Dorado Resorts).

Registered at the Jockey club in Las Vegas
as guest of ResortStay International, Las Vegas. Part of the agreement was to join 90 minute
presentation at the Jockey Club. I paid a $100 deposit for the visit that was to be returned at the presentation.

Attended Time Share Presentation from Geo Holidays. They convinced me (temporarily) that I could
sell the Grandview timeshare and buy the GeoHoliday package with benefit. I made a down payment purchase of $1550.00 on my credit card. I received a debit card for the $100.00 I had deposited [after asking twice].

Night of 7/19:
Determined after reading agreement in detail that the offered agreement was definitely not beneficial.

About 10:30 am, I went into the GeoHolidays sales office inside the Jockey Club and signed the Revocation statement per Nevada Revised Statutes 119A. 410. The sales person went and copied the document and returned the
Revocation form. I returned all materials received the night before to the sales person.

In reviewing the charges on my credit card, there was a charge from 1ST AM STARPOINT. Only by the amount
($1550.00) did I know that it was from GeoHolidays. I called the credit card company and they said I should first call the vendor. I asked them for a number and they had none! I called the Jockey Club and they gave me a number (disconnected). A further request to them gave me a number of the accounting person. On calling that
number, I got a message saying the person would not be in until Monday.

Called accounting person and left a message asking for a return of the $1550.00 charge. I never received a call back.

~7/28 My wife received a call from Amy in Las Vegas concerning a payoff of the balance of the contract and offering a flight/cruise as well as what I thought was a discount [from the price of the Grand View time share]. I communicated with Amy by phone, and then asked for confirmation of the offer in an e-mail which she provided. The offer was good until 8/4. NOTE: I thought I was dealing with the Grand View people since I had revoked the GeoHolidays offer. I authorized the payment of the balance $13950.00 on my credit card [upon which I had increased the credit limit in order to pay off the Grand View contract].

Authorized in an e-mail to Amy the payoff of what I thought was the Grand View contract.

CC was charged for the $13950.00.

Received the coupon for the flight/cruise, notified and thanked Amy by e-mail.

In reviewing my credit charges, I found another charge from 1ST AM STARPOINT. I tried calling the accounting department again to tell them the contract was cancelled. There was no response. I suddenly realized that GeoHolidays WAS 1ST AM STARPOINT since the amounts of the transactions matched and that I had paid off on a contract which I had cancelled!

I called Amy and she referred me to Julie. After conversing with her in two phone calls she said because I had paid off the account, the Revocation of the agreement was invalidated [She admitted that they possessed the rescission order] and I should look at all the benefits I was getting. I said I had little idea since I had returned ALL of the materials given to me on July 20th. She said that she would try to get the Board of Directors to correct the mistake. I requested from Amy the name of the salesperson [She gave me the name, Laurel Johnston, but that was the name of the 1st level sales person, not the person that convinced me to buy the package and to whom I provided the revocation form. I asked Amy where to return the flight/cruise coupon. I received no answer immediately so returned the flight/cruise to the address that I had for Amy [Later she gave me Julie Jones address].

PM: further conversation with Julie when I emphasized that I did not want this deal [I never did after reviewing the details the night of July 19th], she became loud and abusive, I asked her to call me back when she calmed down. She has never called me back nor apologized.

8/12-9/13 I opened a transaction dispute with my credit card company. Under their terms,
they decided the rules for the transaction with the credit card was proper [ they did not consider the revocation document ] in that I had authorized both transactions. It turns out they profited greatly by ingnoring the fraud ~ $660.00.

Week of 9/11
decided to try the Better Business Bureau of Las Vegas to see if I can get relief before contacting lawyers. Starpoint Lawyers worked with Better Business Bureau of Nevada to state that I was in error and Starpoint acted legally!

Contacted my lawyer. And Sued

Follow on: I filed suit. My lawyer said they were threatening to counter sue and wanted more money than the $5500 I had already given him, the Lawyer said that the judge was very impressed with the Star Point lawyers and didn't think we could win. I settled on an agreement with additional RCI points and no maintenance for some years. [June 23]. They restored all of the "Bonus" trips.

I found out the following year that all the bonus trips required my wife, who was by then deceased.

I sold the timeshare to a reputable dealer. I paid the transfer fees, escrow fees, title fees ~2000. - November

Yesterday I found out that GeoHolidays would not transfer the ownership to the firm. It turns out this is legal, but VERY RARE contacting RCI to find my resources, I found out that the "RCI Points" from GeoHolidays are not really RCI Points! There seems to be some sort of deal so that you get RCI weeks in exchange for Geo Holidays "points." They could not be used interchangeably and they could not tell me the trading power of the weeks!
- September 24th

A reasonable company would NEVER have called for a payoff on a cancelled contract.
A reasonable company has a phone number connected to charges made against their customers.
A reasonable company uses their name in their transactions.
A reasonable company would return the money as their costs are zero and I have received nothing.
A reasonable company does not curse and yell at people.
A reasonable company does not try to take advantage of seniors.
A reasonable company does not make continual adjustments to their policies to damage and defraud their clients.

This is not capitalism, because it is not a level playing field.
Thank you for your time

Company: Geo Holidays
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 2206 Paradise Rd
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