Premium destinations
Premium Destinations Ormond Beach FL

Traveling & Tourism

Please check this company out thoroughly before you commit to any contract. They miss lead the customer on their reputation and Better Business rating. Always be suspicious of any product that requires pressure salesmanship to sale, which they have perfected to an art!

Company: Premium destinations
Country: USA
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Premium destinations

Florida Beach Destinations
FBD Scam! Their prices are higher than their competitors!

Florida beach destinations
Scammed me out of $4000!

Premium Destinations
Timeshare, Vacations, Telemarketing, Travel

Premium Destinations
Phone Call

Florida Beach Destinations Florida Sport and Recreation
Customer cheating

Florida Beach Destinations
Lied to

Florida Sport and recreation
Florida Beach Destinations How to get your money back

Florida Beach Destinations
Florida Beach Destinations Unsatisfactory Customer Service

Florida Beach Destinations
Florida Sports and Rcreation Scam Artists who change companies name so they cant be researched