Paradise Canyon Vacation
Dave breeding turkeys

Traveling & Tourism

16-Paradise canyon vacation Scam

Dave Breeding Turkeys

Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left is now enjoying the outdoors chasing male turkeys while doing his imitation turkey mating call. To help supplement his income Dave has been helping turkeys to breed, since he's been saving his right hand to assist Noel, why not make extra money using his left hand to save the turkey population. So next time your having a family thanks giving dinner and your about to say grace before carving the turkey say a little prayer and thank Dave for without his left hand there would be no turkey on the table, and if Paradise canyon Vacation calls during supper tell the caller to tell Dave that you got better things to do with your right hand than write them a cheque
for $10,000.

Picture Captions

1."lights camera, Action!!!", Dave directing a National Geograpic turkey mating documentary, with fewer people forking over $10,000 for a membership, Dave has turned to Hollywood for extra income.

Company: Paradise Canyon Vacation
Country: USA
State: Alberta
City: Lethbridge
Address: 185 Canyon Blvd West
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