Paradise canyon vacation
One flew over the cuckoos nest

Traveling & Tourism

7-Paradise canyon Scam - A few good men

All it takes is a few people to let others know about the corruption, lies and greed of big powerful money hungry
corporations. Using underpaid tele marketers to try and rob the innocent of thousands with promises of free gifts and vacations. Like the Justice League it is a never ending battle for as soon as one villan is taken down another appears.

Paradise Canyon Vacation for years has been under paying employees and using scare tactics like calling the police to protect it's sales. They don't want callers to know that the membership is $10,000 to $15,000 till the salesman arrives at thier home.

These posts were written by jilted employees and people who were scammed by paradise canyon vacation to help and warn others not to fall in the same misfortune.

Picture Captions

1. Dave, Noel's right hand man who sometimes uses his left in the manager's office asking Noel for a raise, claiming that
lately he's been using his left hand just as much as his right


Company: Paradise canyon vacation
Country: USA
State: Alberta
City: Lethbridge
Address: 185 Canyon Blvd West, Lethbridge - Alberta
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