Wts 800-717-7476
E-Ticket PPD ID: MB EPX WTS is an unknown company that has accessed my checking account without my conset and been withrdrawing $26.95 monthly since 01 with smaller, erratic withrawals ranging from $0.05 cents to $0.18

Traveling & Tourism

An Internet company that I had never heard of until recently has accessed my personal checking account without my knowledge or permission and has been withdrawing $26.95 monthly since January. They also sporadically withdraw five to eighteen cents, though I haven't found any reason or pattern to the smaller ones.

The company is listed on my bank statements as "WTS 800-717-7476 E-Ticket PPD: ID MB EPX." This means nothing to me and each time I have tried to contact said company I receive a recorded message stating that it is after hours and directing me to a false web site.

Because I pay most of my bills on-line and less than $30.00 did not immediately wave a red flag it took me four months to begin taking action against this fraudulent company. I am currently on medical disability and barely scrape by with my monthly state disability checks so a total of roughly $108.15 effects my ability to afford basic medical treatments. I have informed my bank once of these mystery withdrawals yet a new one recently appeared. Today is a bank holiday but tomorrow I plan on once again demanding a stop to these transactions.

Company: Wts 800-717-7476
Country: USA
Phone: 18007177476
Site: achdebit.com
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Web Authorized Pmt Wts 800-717-7476 unauthorized bank charges "Web Authorized Pmt Wts 800-717-7476" canceled membership

Direct Funding Service
Consumer Report

Direct Funding Service We
Consumer Report

USA Benefits
Is debiting my checking account two to three times a month in the amount of $70.00 to $90.00 per month without my permission

Wts 1-800-717-7476
Ripoff deducting from my bank account nationwide

No clue who or how but it just showed up on my bank account

Wts 800-717-7476
Company debited my account with unauthorized charges

Ic *freeshipping.com
Appears on my bank statement as a debit card transaction as: CHARGING MY BANK ACCT AT LEAST ON A MONTHLY BASIS FOR $12.97 W/O MY CONSENT

WTS Bank
Web Transaction Services ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing Online Internet

WTS Bank
Ripoff Unauthorized checking account withdrawals fraud