Greyhound Bus Co
Atrocious - customer service

Traveling & Tourism

This company is a travesty of a business. Customer service is non-existent throughout all levels of this horrid company. I had to threaten to call the police because they were going to kick my non-18 year old son out of the station at 2am in the morning because they caused him to miss his transfer and they were closing for the night. Being threatened with the law (after several conversations with the attendants trying to resolve the problem previously) was the only thing that caused them to reconsider their actions because they then managed to put him on the last bus out that crossed paths with one continuing on to his destination. On top of that, apparently their website shows incorrect information as far as discounts as well as glitches that don't apply discounts you have selected. Then, after you sit through their 800 line queue forever to reach someone you can barely understand, you are told that they can't correct that ticket - you need to re-purchase before they will refund. That's when you find out their website is apparently wrong and the discount is for $209, not $198, "so sorry but we don't have to abide by what we advertise online" (which still shows the $198 fare).
I am definitely going to research what government agency this company would be held accountable to and make sure they receive a visit.

Company: Greyhound Bus Co
Country: USA
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Greyhound Bus Co
Atrocious - customer service

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United Vacation Network, Blowfish Media LLC
Apparently consumers are not the only ones who get ripped off. I AM a former employee... They got me for $1,300.00 pay