The Force Group Network
Stole my Money, Refused to Honor Refund per Contract, Scam Artists, Fraudulent Activity, Lied About a Refund, Provided Zero Quality Inquires

Traveling & Tourism

I paid for a listing with The Force Group Network January 29 at the cost of $995. The contract states and I was told over the phone that if within 12 months I did not receive rentals at least equal to my investment I would receive 100% of the money back.

At the time I signed up I was mislead to believe there were literally dozens of Europeans chomping at the bit to rent my villa. I was told I could expect IMMEDIATE bookings becasue there was so much pent up demand. This obviously was not true. I received only 3 inquiries through Force Group, not one resulted in a booking. These inquiries seemed questionable... No typical questions were asked and details of the emailer seemed suspicious— they were form odd internet service accounts.

I followed my end of the bargain as per the contract... I kept my calendar updated on a weekly basis and offered periodic special offers. I also requested help via email and phone conversations from Force Group customer service department during the year to try to drum up some interest in my listing... But still received no bookings.

I filed a BBB complaint with the company and was told that I was eligible for a refund. Horay! But sadly it has been almost 4 months later and I have seen no check. I also notiice they currently have an "F" rating with the BBB

This comapny is a complete scam, engages in fraudlent activities and will steal your money. Keep away at all costs! If you have just signed up with them I urge you to contact your creidt card company ASAP to dispute the charges. Losing $995 really hurts

Company: The Force Group Network
Country: USA
Address: 5728 Major Blvd Suite 500 Orlando Florida 32819
Phone: 9547075573
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Force group network
Failed to honor contract/agreement, took $1000 from me, delivered nothing, refused to return my investment, as promised Corvallis

Megan chadwick Took money for vacation rental website - no inquiries in 6 months - refused to refund $'s> SCAM

Force Group
I was tricked by several (over 5 phone calls) voice messages from Force Group that there are over 70 inquiries for Vero Beach FL location where my vacation home is located and they have none

Force Group Network
ForcegroupUK is a total SCAM - THERE IS NO GRARANTEE of money BACK, only theft! This is whole operations is scam!

Force Group Network
Consumer Report

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