Sexual language

Traveling & Tourism

# 877-555-4466 — called about being a valued cust. And wanted to sell us on branson. Wife said we are not interested and asked to be taken off call list $ hung up caller called back 5-6 times and i hung the phone up after repeating what wife said. Last call wife answered and asked what co. Name was. He said she sounded sexy and was coming over to meet w / her. She handed me the phone and i asked what his problem was and he said "FK YOU AND THAT IS FOR HANGING UP ON ME" i have the #, date, and time. Need help on prosecuting them. # is no good

Company: Harrassed/wife
Country: USA
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Heartland Inc. Magazine Subscription
Operator was very rude, called 4 times, and cussed me out

Premier Readers
Tried to get personal information including credit card number. Ripoff

Niagara Credit Solutions Inc
Rude Call - Rude Callback with Threat

NCO Financial
Calling my landlord at home

Trans America Transamerica
Car Warranty RIPOFF ALERT None none

Taco Bell Corporation
Poor management - management

Cash Advance America
Consumer Report

John M keaveny
John is a nurse who works with my soon to be xwife. He pretends to be your buddy, all the while he's trying everything he can to get them into bed with both him and his bi wife Karen

Rare Coins Co
Sold expensive jewelry for $100. Wife said $100 was not enough. She called and asked for return. Guy said, "Sweetheart, he sold them" and hung up on her

Wyndham Professionals
Windham Professionals Puts Family in Panic