Holiday Inn

Traveling & Tourism

I recently created an internet reservation with Holiday Inn Express. Their site plainly states that "a deposit for the whole stay" is likely to be charged upon producing the reservation.

Because The description of "deposit" in this scenario is that this: "down payment: a partial payment made at that time of purchase; the total amount to become compensated later, " obviously I thought that Holiday Inn understood exactly what the term "deposit " really implies which consequently they'd be going for a "down payment, " or proportion of the sum total cost.

I thought that their web-designer and/or corporate workplace includes a book when they have no idea what "deposit" means.

Obviously they do not understand, and do not have a book. Holiday Inn has chose to alter the book meaning of the term "deposit" to imply, "the whole charge." I named Holiday Innis 800-number to confirm just how much they'd billed my card, and was informed that it had been the entire quantity.

The girl I talked to thought that saying "for the whole stay" somehow intended not really a proportion for every evening reserved, but "the whole charge."

There's no stage discussing term meanings with somebody who hasnot any power-over corporate policy within the first-place, but I think it is acutely frustrating to possess to suppose—appropriately in this instance—the people responsible for a sizable company do not really understand the englishlanguage well-enough to create plan.

Company: Holiday Inn
Country: USA
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Holiday Inn Express
Rip Off Reservation Policy

Holiday Inn Express
Bad Reservation Policy

Scam charges

Home Survey
Ripped Off
Outrageous - Hotel Reservations
Cancellation Fees - Hotel

Bowman Heintz Boscia and Vician

Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn
A ripoff by American Express and a ripoff by Holiday Inn if they are unwilling to make the change

Holiday Inn Express
Refund Policy