Westside Transport
The worst and descriminating trucking Company eve

Traveling & Tourism

West Side Transport Trucking Company is the far worst Trucking Company I've ever seen in my life time of Trucking, or being employeed by any job that I've had in 35 plus years I went thru there orintation, was hired, and by there words I did A very good job by my D.A.C. Report being all Satisfactory I had a accident and was put off work in later Dec I was at the terminal in Cedar Rapids Iowa, after Seeing there docter of preffrance, and was under a order could NOT work or be able to sucessfully be able to do my job.
The Company decided to send Me home, a terminal Manager of another terminal was there and on there way Home, he was instructed to take Me home... Well I got my ride home, and was scared the whole way home as this terminal manager was driving a company Westside Van Texting friends to set a party up for later that night, and while Drinking Alcohol while driving...
As we got closer He started asking Me what Prescriptions I had from The docter and what kind of pain pills I had? I replied I had some kind of pain pill prescription but... Didn't know what it was because I don't take pain pills even with the severed muscle I have.
Well approx. 75-85 miles from Home He told Me to get them filled and sell them to Him or give Him some or I could find My own way home He Would NOT take Me the rest of the way home even tho I was hurt and couldn't carry my things I had.
I called Human resources after hitch hiking home and walking and made the complaint, well after some time I was released to go back to work, called told Medical Dept I was ready to go back to work they set me up a ride with another truck that was in route to Cedar Rapids terminal.
Well when I got there the operations decided to take my truck away from Me after setting for over 2 1/2 months still at the terminal, the day I called is the day She order my truck cleaned out and give to another driver... in all this they let the Shop help clean out my truck, needless to say alot of stuff was missing, I was assigned a junk truck that is passed there limit of year and mileage of there so called specs for there equipment, I did get some of my stuff back but not all...
After driving this truck less than 500 miles, the truck broke down twice (2)
and was put in a shop at T/A, so... I called Human Resources again this time Was told all would be investigated, at this time I told them I was going to quit and turn my truck into terminal until all this was resolved... Was told sure You can always come back when ever You want of course that was the worst Lie of all
Next they investigated at the Terminal of Question The Manager was let go of reason, that was described above, the terminal cleaned out and use only as there drop yard.
I re applied for employment there and was told by email that I have for anyone who would like to read it I was not eligible for re hire because they didn't want to... I ask for a written explanation, Was written email that iI have for anyone to read that would like That I had a good record never late pickup or delivery and never called in or lasy excuse's... As my d.A.C. Shows no problem no wrecks and Satisfactory on all sections... Well why can't I be re-hired was told in this email because they had the right to say NO, with No reason, is this a equal oppertunity employer? Don't think so By Federal Regulation... So when You have a Saftey Manager that has a bad reputation of Drinking and possibly (or a reputation of word of mouth thru Westside Employees) of D.U.I. S on there record what do you expect right???
Then when you are discriminated againist because you had a accident and filed a complaint on there Friends and they got let go of there 75,000 year job, dont ask You wont be hired at WestSide right Mr. Don (president, and owner)???
So... in closing Westside is the worst and discriminating company ther is! And should be investigated by the Federal Moter Frieght and Carrier Organization Of The Frederal Goverment of this Great U.S.A.
I have these emails ask there from the Human Resource Manager of WestSide Transport Inc.

Company: Westside Transport
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Cedar Rapids
Address: 4201st Wst 16th St
Phone: 8003732957
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Westside transport cedar rapids ia
Worked for westside 3 months wife was in almost fatal accident went home and was on leave they sent a driver who broke down near my home town and gave him my truck and i would get his when it was fix

JB Hunt
I quit. And I took there truck to the nearest JB Hunt terminal. And they refused to pay me my last check and vacation pay. Because i did not take it to the my home terminal

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Swift transportaion
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Waller Truck Co Inc
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