El Cid Resorts
Masters at Misrepresenting Themselves and Not being available for Consumers nationwide

Traveling & Tourism

My wife and I traveled on a cruise and stopped off in Cozumel, MX where we were approached by a salesperson to tour a new vacation club for free. What we thought would be a nice relaxing day turned out to be a nightmare of deceit and exhausted attempts to correct our purchase.

We signed a contract for the El Cid La Ceiba Resort in Cozumel, Mexico in March only for the discounts we would receive on future cruises and accumulated points we would receive by booking other vacations through them. A few weeks later we tried booking a cruise with the expected discount and points but only received what any regular person would get who was not a Club member.

We attempted many times to contact someone to cancel our contract due to misrepresentation or some sort of compensation for being lied to. We finally sent a certified letter but only received avoidance from our problem. We disputed El Cid charges on both our credit cards many times as El Cid continued to re-bill.

We finally decided, after much discouragement, to give one last attempt for El Cid to give us a fair deal in December. They replied saying they would give us some add ons or some compensation by that afternoon. We have yet to hear from them 8 weeks later. They are very good at not being available but great at taking your money. We are skeptical of what to expect if we actually use this resort and if it will be as promised since their word has not been good thus far.

Avoid this Vacation Resort like the plaque. We wish we would have!!

Company: El Cid Resorts
Country: Mexico
State: Other
City: Carretera Chankanaab Km. 4. 5 Zona Costera Sur
Address: Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Phone: 8663106903
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