Mexico Paradise Getaways
This company makes claims to provide an all inclusive getaway, but asks for what seems to be a suspiciously high payment to cover airline taxes

Traveling & Tourism

An all inclusive trip was promised as compensation for attending a meeting regarding vacation purchases.

We were reluctant to send the refundable deposit of $100, but did send it. Now they want $150 x 2 to cover airline taxes. We still have no information on destination or date.

Now I'm reading a report that states that your destination and date options are disregarded.

Has anyone out there actually paid the taxes and taken the trip and received the promised $100 refund?

Company: Mexico Paradise Getaways
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Branson
Address: 210 Corporate Place
Phone: 8006417041
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Mexico Paradise Getaways - Chuck Snow - Doug Becker
Mexico Paradise Getaways took $400 from me for a trip. They did not let me take the trip and they refused to refund my money

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Scam liars, false ad's, rude

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Rips people off and makes you jump thru hoops to only be deceived! Breach of contract!

Mexico Pardise Getaways
No Getaway for You!

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Please file class action lawsuit against them!

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Owes me $400.00 after scamming me like all the others

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Mexico Paradise Getaways, LLC is a scam that stole $100 to process an application for a free trip to Mexico which was never delivered

Mexico Paradise Getaways. LLC
Failure to Keep Promises

Global Vacation Network
They don't come through with promised "incentives"

Mexico paradise getaways
Did not recieve any word from mexicoparadisegetaways after we sent in our refundable security deposit of $100.00. We also seny them copies of our passports as requested