Gas Up America

Traveling & Tourism

After attending a travel seminar hosted by Event Planners in Sarasota FL., we were supposed to receive $100 in the form of a check to reimburse us for our time. Unfortunately, they chose not to send the money ($20.00), but rather sent a form outlining activation rules (which I had already followed).

This company has partnered with Event Planners to coax people to participate in their seminar. They have no intention of ever following up with the cash which they promise, but rather use stall tactics and I guess assume that people will tire of the process.

I am not an uneducated consumer and hate the idea that I have been taken advantage of. It is my hope that I may prevent even one more person from falling for such a scheme. At a time when gas is at a premium, this type of promotion does not leave good will for what I think Event Planners was trying to accomplish.

Company: Gas Up America
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Daytona Beach
Address: PB BOX 7154
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