Cashback America/USTA Trust Company
Cash back offer Orlando, Mt. Dora, Florida

Traveling & Tourism

I'd purchased time-share in Mexico and was told by salesperson about the cahback rebate I can claim after 54 months. I followed all the instructions step by step in order to qulify for the rebate and have not received the rebate yet. I had called them after six week, no one answered the phone or a recording comes on saying it's after bushiness hour. I had faxed them twice and also e-mail them. I went on the website and try to contact them, everytime I hit "Contact US" it gives me a different e-mail address. Ie, came back as mailor demon. Cashback@cashbackamerica finally got through. No respond via e-mail.

Someone did call me back and told me it took awhile to get back to me because they have to do some reseach @ USTA Trust Company as Cashback is not the one issuing the rebates. I told them it has been more than 6 weeks since they received and signed my letters. They said they we're behind and wait till late of January. I just tried to contact them and now their listed phone number is not a working number. Their address had changed again, by the way this is the 4th location. My time-share resort also sent me a letter saying if I have an issue to USTA to contact the Attorney General to file a complaint. I thoght that was percuior, now I see why.

Company: Cashback America/USTA Trust Company
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 6250 Hazeltine National Drive
Phone: 4076588404
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